Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Autism and Speech and Language Disorder

When someone mentions the word autism, it would be a surprise if a person did not know what it was. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects so many people in our country as the latest statistic suggests that every 1 in 68 babies born will have this disease. The cause is still up for debate, but regardless of the cause the effects of this disease are very diverse and incurable.

Moreover, some born under the ASD diagnosis will have what is call Asperger’s. This disorder causes a person, in most cases, to have difficulties with communicating effectively. In my experience a person who had this diagnosis took everything literally and did not understand Idioms. An accommodation for a student with this disorder could simply be pairing with a peer and working on effective commination skills. Social stories are also affective for Asperger’s and others under the ASD diagnosis.  Differentiated instruction could come in the form of assistive tech. Students with ASD can benefit from communication devices, computer based learning, and hands on manipulatives to demonstrate ideas.

Another common exceptionality is Speech and Language Disorder. Although they are not always correlated, this exceptionality can occur with children/students with ASD. Speech is a very common issue with youth. Due to developmental delays or other disabilities speech issues can cause problems in the classroom. One way schools and educators accommodate for speech problems is by providing students with services such as Speech where students work one-on-one with a licensed speech therapist to help them communicate effectively to their ability. A teacher can also help by using communication AT in their classrooms. 

Fecich, S. (2015, July 7). GCSE657. Graduate Class. Lecture conducted from , 2015, 7 July- 2015, 20 August.


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